One Piece (stylized as ONE PIECE) is a Japanese anime television series based on Eiichiro Oda's manga series of the same nameThe story follows the adventures of Monkey D Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil FruitWith his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world'sTwo years after regaining his memories, Sabo would reunite with Luffy and also carry Ace's legacy by consuming his Devil Fruit, the Mera Mera no Mi He currently has a bounty of 602,000,000 He acts as an ally of Luffy during the Dressrosa Arc, as well as the movies One Piece Film Gold and One Piece StampedeWe recently had the information that Sabo's bounty would be revealed in the next One Piece Magazine in September Yonkou's tweet, Sandman's tweet And so, when we had this information, I made a comment in the thread about making a game out of guessing Sabo's bounty Here it is